Admis get real money?!!!
YES Thats true!
Sevrer need 15$/month to run.. but if server get more money that 15$ 10% that money will share on all admins! (well it not are too much but i have like 1 admin so idk) So expample someone donate 35$ to server 35-15(montly cost)=20 and 20/10= 2 so if there is one admin (s)he will get 2$!! (btw all money what we not use will be in next month money count so if someone donate next month 50$ it will be 50/10=5$ to admin (we not count last mont (at this expample 3$ to this value :D) btw this example can be litlebit broken so if you want fix or ask something about this just postyour ansver :D
So then is one question.. why
Well ansver is that improve working level (hopefully) and is something make people happy it is money.. i also want thank all admins on their work and i cant give anything else that money :D (of course some my games will be sale expample there is coming Beezle game its free but there is also premium edition what cost 10$it will be 5$ to all admins (-50%) if it comes :D i not are yet sure (and if comes how much it cost and will there even be premium version)
Betaworld admis get real money?!!!
Betaworld admis get real money?!!!

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