Coming Soon!!! Beezle Game (if you didint see title)
I have plan make Beezle game..
Game comes out hopefully 2019!!
Q: so who the fuck is beezle?
A: Beezle is god.. Only admin in betalands who really do something....
Game will probably be new branded 3DA but i think there will be also something new idk yet
Notice this story is outaded information actual story isnt anything to do with this
story line will be something like this
BeezleYT was best admin in betalands and other admins and owner are very jelaos to beezle
so they will build Labyrind and fill it with enermys and set beezle in that labyrind
Beezle need find way out that labyrid to boss room and kill evil admins who not help players
and there will be lotof more in this game but i dont tell anymore yet......
XD also if you want donato to me so i get more motivation do it in that link what you can see flassig on my siggature ;)
Coming Soon!!! Beezle Game
Coming Soon!!! Beezle Game

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Coming Soon!!! Beezle Game (Work in process!)
Project is offically started

Paypal link above is no longer in use. Jabber/XMPP: [email protected]
My public PGP key: viewtopic.php?t=177&start=1 Email address: [email protected]