v0.0.15D #60
4:12 23.9.2019 - 6:02 23.9.2019
Intro on 2x nopeampi
Kartta käyttää DelayedExpansiota nyt myös (paljon nopeampi)
Korjattu pisteiden nolaantuminen seuraavaan kentään edetessä
Fight mode ulkoasua päivitetty
Näkökentässä näkyy nyt kulmat
v0.0.15D #60

Paypal link above is no longer in use. Jabber/XMPP: [email protected]
My public PGP key: viewtopic.php?t=177&start=1 Email address: [email protected]
v0.0.15E #61
v0.0.15E #61
0:48 24.9.2019 - 3:55 24.9.2019
Korjattu KUltra koodi virhe joka aiheutti texti spammia
Peli Näkyman ulkoasua päivitetty paljon
Korjattu Näkökentässä olevia virheitä
Laajennettu Näkökenttää (1 eteen (4))
Lista toimii nyt S painaessa ilman erillistä valikkoa..
0:48 24.9.2019 - 3:55 24.9.2019
Korjattu KUltra koodi virhe joka aiheutti texti spammia
Peli Näkyman ulkoasua päivitetty paljon
Korjattu Näkökentässä olevia virheitä
Laajennettu Näkökenttää (1 eteen (4))
Lista toimii nyt S painaessa ilman erillistä valikkoa..

Paypal link above is no longer in use. Jabber/XMPP: [email protected]
My public PGP key: viewtopic.php?t=177&start=1 Email address: [email protected]
ChanceLog v0.1.0 #62
v0.1.0 #62
23:31 5.12.2020 - 2:39 6.12.2020
After year and near 3 months project is continued!!
Removed story
Added new way to access commands
Removed ScanV1.2 (saved 124357 lines of code)
Added new Scan2.0 (its slow but smaller)
23:31 5.12.2020 - 2:39 6.12.2020
After year and near 3 months project is continued!!
Removed story
Added new way to access commands
Removed ScanV1.2 (saved 124357 lines of code)
Added new Scan2.0 (its slow but smaller)

Paypal link above is no longer in use. Jabber/XMPP: [email protected]
My public PGP key: viewtopic.php?t=177&start=1 Email address: [email protected]
Changelog v0.1.1 #63
v0.1.1 #63
1:53 29.12.2021 - 3:06 29.12.2021
Removed exit command when exiting program
Added support for ScanV1.2 back (if not founded will V2.0 be used)
Added My name and domain address to mainmenu
Removed unneeded pause from ScanV2
Updated some menu texts (mainly typos)
Fixed Power. its now 1000/1000 when staring game (before it was 999/1001)
1:53 29.12.2021 - 3:06 29.12.2021
Removed exit command when exiting program
Added support for ScanV1.2 back (if not founded will V2.0 be used)
Added My name and domain address to mainmenu
Removed unneeded pause from ScanV2
Updated some menu texts (mainly typos)
Fixed Power. its now 1000/1000 when staring game (before it was 999/1001)

Paypal link above is no longer in use. Jabber/XMPP: [email protected]
My public PGP key: viewtopic.php?t=177&start=1 Email address: [email protected]
Changelog v0.16.2 #64
v0.16.2 #64
20:24 26.12.2022 - 3:55 27.12.2022
Updated game title
Settings will be calld only if file exists
Fixed some typos
Chanced some menu items/names
Removed command option from menu
Removed creatormode from settings
Added keysetup menu/support for custom inputs
Updated savefile to version 2.0 (contains controls)
Updated Error message
Fixed crash when loading unstarted game from RAM
Fixed ! not showingup in some messages
Added debug variable
Fixed crash when starting game if flassing colors where disabled
Updated Fightmode health meters and added maxhealt display
Added new timeformat to log
20:24 26.12.2022 - 3:55 27.12.2022
Updated game title
Settings will be calld only if file exists
Fixed some typos
Chanced some menu items/names
Removed command option from menu
Removed creatormode from settings
Added keysetup menu/support for custom inputs
Updated savefile to version 2.0 (contains controls)
Updated Error message
Fixed crash when loading unstarted game from RAM
Fixed ! not showingup in some messages
Added debug variable
Fixed crash when starting game if flassing colors where disabled
Updated Fightmode health meters and added maxhealt display
Added new timeformat to log

Paypal link above is no longer in use. Jabber/XMPP: [email protected]
My public PGP key: viewtopic.php?t=177&start=1 Email address: [email protected]