Yes its true Version 1.4 is under construction at this moment
this version will add way to copy files from version folder because old launcher (file system after 1.6) will fail if folder contains version 1.14 or higer (or mods example OP) im not sure why probably because version icons (they not are supported in that launcher) (idk yet how many filesyou can add but i tey make it something like 100 or 32bit maximun value (2147483647) but will see... also there will be new logo and menu system (i will maybe allow to use old also if want)
Also most used feature (aka 1-3) will get update now you can make 30 (not sure yet WIP) (before 3) Old launcher file system (before 1.5.2)
I try get that program out next month and if there is indrested beta testers (this program can destroy your comupter or delete files so you need thake that risk) send pm to me ;)
-Julius (Creator of StartSystem)
Version 1.4 Coming soon!!
Version 1.4 Coming soon!!

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