OFFICIAL PAGES - Code by: Julius - Version: 5.1


"The savior of the betalands"

Game is build on 3DA v0.0.15E #61 (24.09.2019)
Game include 12 Levels
Game is 3D
Game is created using "Batch" languange (similar than MS-DOS)

Story is based on actual events but does not track events with 100% accuracy

Game by: Julius
Beta testers: Beezle, Julius

Bug report / Feature reguests
If you find bug or want request fearure
gotoFORUMS and Create new topic under Beezle game

Premium: (Only 2$)
Premium version gives more features like:
Level selector
Full level map


Beezle Game trailer:

Full Soundtrack:

Version 1.0.1!!!!!!



020.1.0Alpha 24.09.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
030.1.1Alpha 25.09.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
040.1.2Alpha 25.09.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
050.2.0Alpha 27.09.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
060.2.1Alpha 30.09.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
070.2.2Alpha 20.10.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
080.2.3Alpha 21.10.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
090.2.4Alpha 25.10.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
100.2.5Alpha 27.10.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
110.2.6Alpha 27.10.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
120.2.7Alpha 30.10.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
130.2.8Alpha 03.11.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
140.2.9Alpha 05.11.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
150.3.0Alpha 26.11.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
160.3.1Alpha 28.11.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
170.4.0Alpha 01.12.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
180.4.1Alpha 03.12.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
190.4.2Alpha 05.12.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
200.4.3Alpha 12.12.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
210.4.4Alpha 15.12.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
220.4.5Alpha 17.12.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
230.5.0BETA 18.12.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
240.5.1BETA 23.12.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
250.5.2BETA 24.12.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
260.5.3BETA 25.12.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
270.5.4BETA 29.12.2019PremiumZipERRORPassword
280.5.5BETA 09.01.2020PremiumZipERRORPassword
290.5.6BETA 10.01.2020PremiumZipERRORPassword
300.5.7BETA 10.01.2020PremiumZipERRORPassword
310.5.8BETA 14.01.2020PremiumZipERRORPassword

BuildVersionDate (hh:mm dd.mm.yyyy)
#01v0.0.1PreAl.13:03 11.09.2019 - ??:?? 11.09.2019
#02v0.1.0Alpha 22:28 24.09.2019 - 23:35 24.09.2019
#03v0.1.1Alpha 00:32 25.09.2019 - 04:44 25.09.2019
#04v0.1.2Alpha 17:04 25.09.2019 - 22:45 25.09.2019
#05v0.2.0Alpha 20:02 26.09.2019 - 04:22 27.09.2019
#06v0.2.1Alpha 23:30 29.09.2019 - 04:37 30.09.2019
#07v0.2.2Alpha 17:32 20.10.2019 - 18:58 20.10.2019
#08v0.2.3Alpha 01:56 21.10.2019 - 03:30 21.10.2019
#09v0.2.4Alpha 03:37 25.10.2019 - 04:56 25.10.2019
#10v0.2.5Alpha 16:46 27.10.2019 - 19:00 27.10.2019
#11v0.2.6Alpha 21:29 27.10.2019 - 23:08 27.10.2019
#12v0.2.7Alpha 19:41 30.10.2019 - 23:56 30.10.2019
#13v0.2.8Alpha 17:00 03.11.2019 - 18:51 03.11.2019
#14v0.2.9Alpha 21:16 05.11.2019 - 23:34 05.11.2019
#15v0.3.0Alpha 23:54 25.11.2019 - 04:44 26.11.2019
#16v0.3.1Alpha 01:33 28.11.2019 - 04:06 28.11.2019
#17v0.4.0Alpha 16:40 01.12.2019 - 19:04 01.12.2019
#18v0.4.1Alpha 23:10 02.12.2019 - 03:20 03.12.2019
#19v0.4.2Alpha 15:27 05.12.2019 - 17:41 05.12.2019
#20v0.4.3Alpha 17:58 12.12.2019 - 20:45 12.12.2019
#21v0.4.4Alpha 17:02 15.12.2019 - 19:00 15.12.2019
#22v0.4.5Alpha 04:50 17.12.2019 - 08:34 17.12.2019
#23v0.5.0BETA 04:23 18.12.2019 - 07:13 18.12.2019
#24v0.5.1BETA 23:25 22.12.2019 - 00:47 23.12.2019
#25v0.5.2BETA 16:45 23.12.2019 - 01:37 24.12.2019
#26v0.5.3BETA 17:05 24.12.2019 - 01:23 25.12.2019
#27v0.5.4BETA 22:05 28.12.2019 - 09:20 29.12.2019
#28v0.5.5BETA 00:53 09.01.2020 - 05:38 09.01.2020
#29v0.5.6BETA 03:19 10.01.2020 - 08:41 10.01.2020
#30v0.5.7BETA 14:52 10.01.2020 - 17:36 10.01.2020
#31v0.5.8BETA 00:11 14.01.2020 - 02:52 14.01.2020
#32v1.0.0STABLE15:38 01.02.2020 - 03:46 02.02.2020
#33v1.0.1STABLE16:18 19.07.2020 - 02:34 20.07.2020

NOTICE: All screenshots are from beta 0.5.3 version.
Hover your cursor over the images to enlarge!

0.0.1Everything :)
New Intro
New Title
0.1.0Everything again :)
New Title
New Intro
Deleted FI Languange support
Music is now Beezle format...
0.1.1Fixet menu (every select was Error)
Added story
Added some trade/craft/inventory code (not yet done)
0.1.2New Pause to Game Start
New Main menu layout
Litelbit Level create things
0.2.0Beter Main menu and settings
Fixed Level 1 map set / objects
Game logo updated again litelbit :D
Fixed litelbit type errors on story
New layout to story scroll
0.2.1Make FIGHT feature beter
Fixed Inventory/Trade/Craft
0.2.2Level Proccess is working litelbit (to levels 1,2,3)
0.2.3Removed all SETLOCAL commands (exept first)
Updated :Error (added selection to show details/terminate)
Fixed Flassing color when game start (now also 9AB)
0.2.4Fixed story command END overflow if Level unregonize
Levels 1,2,3 Layout code removed 9300 unnecessary values (before 0-9999 now 0-699)
Added Levels 4,5,6 Layout (Size 0-9999)
Updated litelbit shop outlook
0.2.5Fixed game crash if value "VColor" = F
Added 4 Differend values to VColor
Added way to save settings in settings menu
Added way to skip fights (creatormode only)
Added Object E (GATE) you need to be %Avain%=%AvainMax% to go insaid it (you need collect keys)
Updated Level 1,2,3 Layout
Fixed Level 1 Object L Location
Added Object L random loadion set to level 2
0.2.6Fixed game crash when Level 2 starts
Updated Object L (Level End) (uses !r%XE%! before %rX%)
Fixed Level 2 end
0.2.7Fixed Game crash when loading level 3
Added Food use (add HP)
Added Level 4,5,6
Level 2 no reload area..
Fixed litelbit shop..
0.2.8Added Time
Added tMap
0.2.9Fixed Error same % Valus t0,t1 etc.. (chance tMap use k format (renamed tMap to kMap))
Updated kMap new outlook and Uses Kartta values (+0-+100)
Updated OldMap (Uses KarttaOLD values (+0-+10)
Updated gameplay GUI
Updated Fight mode (new menu / no "BeezleMusic5.jmusic")
Fixed endless GameOver loop (PAika will chance -1 before +0)
0.3.0Added level 7 load
Deleted unused Valikko=8 menu
Added Object D are updater (adds 20 D-Objectsto area ram)
Removed music start when story is loading
0.3.1Added walls to level 7
Updated level 7 loading information output
0.4.0Fixed bug when game start endless area update loop if level not 7
Fixed Story loading (now so fast you not even notice it)
Updated story (before first level)
Updated Object show code
Added Level 8 and 10 code
Added Level 8
0.4.1Updated All music to BeezleMusicXv2.jmusic format
Added Money
Removed Drop 1,2,3
Removed Item 1,2,3,4
Removed Armor 1,2,3,4
Removed Move on status bar
Added Money to status bar
Updated Fight outlook
Updated Fight give now 1-3 "Raha" (before 1-3 Drop(Object name))
Fixed L1 and L2 Object visual bug (Removed unused Object L1 and L2 code (used on 3DA))
Fixed Object G outlook data error message
Updated objects 2F information (KT=1 uses "-Object=%rX%-" KT=0 uses "(ObjectName)" (if name not exist "ErrorError"))
Removed unused ":Luettelo" (old Q menu)
Updated in game inventory display
Updated litelbit "first time" default setings texts
Deleted shop
Added new shop (no done yet)
Fixed game crash Level 4,5,6,8 story
Added Level 9 (uses 100% area ram)
Fixed bug when time not reset on level 8,9
0.4.2Updated shop (you can now buy stuff)
Removed Use=4 code (unused)
0.4.3Fixed game crash when eat
Fixed Fixed broken armorlevel indicator in shop
Fixed Weapon/Armor updates not cost money
Fixed goto shop in game
Updated Fight mode (crash)
0.4.4Added way to skips story ("KT" mode only)
Fixed game crash when fight mode started
Updated Fight mode health indicator (more like 3DA)
Fixed bug you can get over 400HP if you eat in Fight mode
Updated Level 2,3,8 Map values
Fixed Level 9 (r9890 is now E before G)
Added level 10
0.4.5Updated Fight mode layout
Fixed Armor/Weapon condition value under 0%
Added level 11 and 12
Updated Fight damage possibility (before 5000 now 7000)
Added gameover screen (if you win)
Updated title (beta)
Updated startup screen (added more information)
Updated story (fixed some text)
Updated menu (added Load/Save option) (no work yet)
0.5.1Fixed Error when loading level 10
Updated ColorChance menu layout
Updated GameOver screen
Added Save and Load feature (no doen yet)
0.5.2Added way turn KMap off (if using bad computer)
Updated Load/Save (it works now)
Updated Gameplay layout
Updated Shop layout
Added GameOver screen (if die)
Updated GAME MENU (Menu 3)
Updated Game Over menu (Menu 9)
Fixed Fight Color flassing (if VColor=D) when take hit
Added Data Delete Menu
Added Way to delete "BestScore", "Setings", "GameFile1/2/3" Files
0.5.3Updated Color Chance (now Color Flashing) settings (now 2 Mode)
Updated Setings format to Version 3.1
Fixed GameOver (Level 12) not cause Error anymore (ValikkoModi=4 (before 9))
Updated GamePlay Gui ("v/o0" will be # if "v/o1" is #)
Fixed GameOver message (Level 12) "You are win this game" to "You won" (by Beezle)
Fixed FIGHT MODE "Osuma" Damage not work
Updated FIGHT MODE (lotof Damage chances also armor is more usefull)
Updated Object A,B,C,D,G,H,I,K layout
0.5.4Added Difficulty selector
Removed some unused code...
Fixed story Lev 0,1,2,11,12 By Julius
Renamed "Game" "Long" "Fight" to "A" "B" "C"
Added some Difficulty stuff
Fixed you get more health when you miss button in FightMode
0.5.5Added customizable Controls
Updated Setings format to Version 4.0
Fixed Use incorrect error message if Use=2
Updated SHOP MODE Layout (litelbit)
Updated Some Error messages
Updated SHOP Food cost 1
Updated Ruoka values (GAME MODE=50 / FIGHT MODE=40)
Fixed Story Lev 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 By Julius
Fixed Title
Fixed No "Ruoka" value when making "TALL" values
0.5.6Updated R222 Message
Removed CreatorMode option
Removed Command option if KT=1 if Valikko=1
Updated MAP MODE MENU (Added full map option) (ifPremium)
Fixed GATE (Object E) Texture
Added Level selector (ifPremium)
Added Cheat selector (ifPremium) (undone)
Updated Level 8,10 area layout
Updated Object A,B (Evil 1,2) Texture
0.5.7Updated Cheat menu (added 6 cheats) (Premium)
Updated Object G,H,I Texture
Fixed "EiSeSiEf" Function
Added Health based color to FIGHT MODE
Added Difficulty boonus to score
0.5.8Fixed LogoText: Time to Date
Fixed Story2
Removed some unused code (3DA) in FightMode
Fixed Weapon/Armor not reset if starting new game
Updated Cheat menu (added some info texts) (Premium)
Fixed Fight Mode (Elama-10) (if%LEM%LSS%Suoja1%) (added /a)
1.0.0Removed Premium ID
Fixed Storm name (Storm_)
Added Load/Save music
Fixed Level 9 area (9374/5 B to #)
Updated Level complete
Fixed Level Reset Function
Updated Log messages
Removed Some unused code
Added Teleport (Premium)
Fixed Menu6 (Candel to Cancel) (by Linuri)
Updated Armors/Weapons (more powerfull)
1.0.1Fixed Level 7 not working correctly (reset variable)
Fixed Fight enermy difficultys...
Updated Fight values (fight are longer now)
Updated Food power (food gives now less health)
Fixed some typos
Removed Time stamps from game log
Updated game log messages...
Fixed Level not load if opened map when it was disabled
Updated Exit function (not use anymore exit command)
Fixed Level 4,5,6 area (r9896=E)
Removed Level 6 timelimit
Updated Story
Fixed Reset level function